What Asian Immigrants Think about Living in America

Asian immigrants form a significant and unique segment of the U.S. population, with over 67% of Asian American adults having been born outside the United States. With diverse backgrounds and motivations, their perspectives on life in America provide valuable insight into the immigrant experience. Many Asian immigrants, including those from India, China, The Philippines, and […]

Foreign Born Workers Account for 88% of US Job Growth

A recent National Foundation for American Policy (NFAP) analysis has revealed a critical trend. After 2052, immigrants will be the sole contributors to the growth of the U.S. labor force. Even in the coming decades, native-born workers will not increase at the pace needed to sustain the economy, potentially causing a ripple effect across industries. […]

Turkish and British Immigrants to the US Win Nobel Prize

In economics, immigrants have proven to be a driving force for development and innovation in the United States. This year, three immigrant economists, Daron Acemoglu, Simon Johnson, and James Robinson, were awarded the prestigious Nobel Prize in Economics, further highlighting how the diversity of experiences and perspectives benefits the country. The three laureates, originally from […]

Factors Contributing to Successful Immigrant Start-ups

Successful Immigrant Start-ups

Every July 4th, we celebrate the day the Second Continental Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence in 1776, declaring the 13 American colonies a new nation. The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) has a long and proud tradition of commemorating this momentous occasion by holding special naturalization ceremonies inspired by Independence Day. If you […]

Economy Adds New Jobs in the USA 41 Months Straight

The United States economy

“I believe it continues to be demonstrated that the labor market offers great support to people who depend on their income to spend, which obviously are the vast majority of Americans,” declared Thomas Simons, chief economist at Jefferies, in an interview. The United States economy continues to add new jobs month after month, which is […]

Pathway to US Citizenship for Undocumented Spouses

Citizenship for Undocumented Spouses

President Biden announced recently a large-scale immigration program that will offer legal status and a streamlined path to U.S. residency and citizenship for approximately half a million unauthorized immigrants married to U.S. citizens. Every state in the United States offers magnificent opportunities for immigrants. For information on the process of obtaining an immigrant visa, contact […]

Top National Park Road Trips in the U.S.

USAFIS - Blue Ridge Parkway in spring⁠

This could be your dream: leaving work and touring the 64 national parks on an enormous several-month trip, living almost entirely in a van until you encounter all these iconic landscapes.  If you want to immigrate to a beautiful and developed country like the United States in search of better opportunities, contact USAFIS. The closest […]

Foreign Workers Are Needed for Millions of Jobs in America


The United States is experiencing a shortage of workers after the global pandemic. A solution to help with the problem would be to bring in additional foreign workers. There are almost 10 million jobs available without a skilled worker to fill the position. Only 8.4 million Americans are searching for a job. Job openings hit […]

USAFIS – Immigrants Living in the USA Fuel Farmers Market Resurgence

St. Paul, Minnesota, is seeing a resurgence of farmers markets and immigrants are responsible. An influx of Hmong refugees from Southeast Asia in the 1970s gave the markets a second life. The immigrants from Thailand, Vietnam, Laos, along with the Hmong people, are coming from cultures where everyone shops in open-air markets for their goods. […]

Growing Shortage of People to Work in the USA Reported

The United States economy is experiencing a worker shortage. For the past twelve months, the number of open positions every month has been greater than the number of people looking for jobs in the USA. This is the first time this has happened since the U.S. Labor Department started keeping data for job turnover twenty […]